USER GUIDE | دليل المستخدم

BEARD OIL | زيت اللحية

Use daily for best results, at any time and any place.

1. Wash your face and beard thoroughly with warm water and dry your beard

2. Dispense a few drops of the beard oil into the palm of your hand. Start with a few drops and add more as needed. 

3. Rub the oil between your palms to evenly distribute the oil and warm it up. 

4.  Use your fingers and palms to massage the oil into your beard, from the roots all the way to the hair ends.

5. Comb your beard to evenly spread the oil in your beard and to separate hair to make your beard look as full as possible.

6. Feel free to use some oil on your skin as well.

استخدم يوميًا للحصول على أفضل النتائج، في أي وقت وفي أي مكان.

١. قم بغسل وجهك ولحيتك جيدًا بالماء الفاتر وجفف لحيتك.
٢. اسكب بضع قطرات من زيت اللحية في راحة يدك. ابدأ ببضع قطرات وأضف المزيد حسب الحاجة.
٣. افرك الزيت بين راحتي يديك لتوزيعه بالتساوي وتسخينه.
٤. استخدم أصابعك وراحتي يديك لتدليك الزيت في لحيتك، من الجذور حتى أطراف الشعر.
٥. امشط لحيتك لتوزيع الزيت بالتساوي وفصل الشعر لجعل لحيتك تبدو أكمل قدر الإمكان.
٦. لا تتردد في استخدام بعض الزيت على بشرتك أيضًا."

GROWTH OIL | زيت النمو

Repeat 1 time a week (with Derma Stamp)


1. Ensure your scalp or skin is clean before use.

2. Apply and massage our growth oil into the scalp using the your fingers.

3. Leave in hair for up to 1 hour and rinse.

كرر مرة واحدة في الأسبوع (باستخدام الديرما ستامب). يمكن ترك زيت النمو في الشعر ثلاث مرات في الأسبوع لمدة تصل إلى ساعة قبل الشطف.

1. نظف فروة رأسك جيدًا بشامبو لطيف وماء دافئ، ثم جفف شعرك تمامًا.

2. ضع ودلك زيت النمو الخاص بنا على فروة الرأس باستخدام أصابعك.

3. اتركه في الشعر لمدة تصل إلى ساعة واحدة ثم اغسل

SANDALWOOD COMB | مشط الصندل

Detangle and Comb

1. Apply Beard Oil (refer to beard oil section)

2. Comb upwards in the opposite direction of your beard to detangle.

3. Comb downwards in the direction of the beard hair to style and tame.

Cleaning Your Comb

- DO NOT WASH your comb with water

- Simply wipe down your comb with a paper towel or a cloth.

فك تشابك ومشط شعر اللحية
1. ضع زيت اللحية (راجع قسم زيت اللحية).

2. مشط لأعلى في الاتجاه المعاكس لشعر لحيتك لفك التشابك.

3. مشط لأسفل في اتجاه شعر اللحية لتصفيفها وترويضها.

تنظيف مشطك
- لا تغسل المشط بالماء.

- ببساطة امسح مشطك بمنديل ورقي أو قطعة قماش.

DERMA STAMP | الديرما ستامب

Clean your stamp

1. Soak the TIP of the Derma Stamp in either dish-soap or rubbing alcohol for 1-5 minutes

2. Let air dry


Repeat ONCE a week

1. Disinfect the Derma Stamp with rubbing alcohol or dishwashing liquid to ensure it is free from bacteria.

2. Wash your face and make sure it's free from dirt or oils. 

3. Gently apply pressure using the Derma Stamp on the patchy areas. Make sure to cover all areas and do not over-stamp. Keep each area at a maximum of 10 light & gentle stamps

4. Avoid stamping over the eyes, lips, and any active acne or open wounds.

5. Apply our Growth Oil and gently massage it in.

6. Rinse the Derma Stamp with warm water and disinfect it with rubbing alcohol / dishwashing liquid.

تنظيف طابع الديرما

1. انقع رأس الديرما ستامب في الكحول لمدة 1-5 دقائق.

2. دعه يجف في الهواء.


كرر مرة واحدة في الأسبوع
1. عقم طابع الديرما ستامب بالكحول أو سائل غسل الصحون للتأكد من خلوه من البكتيريا.

2. اغسل وجهك وتأكد من خلوه من الأوساخ أو الزيوت.

3. ضغط برفق باستخدام الديرما على المناطق الفارغة. تأكد من تغطية جميع المناطق ولا تكثر من الطبع. احتفظ بكل منطقة بحد أقصى 10 طبعات خفيفة ولطيفة.

4. تجنب الضغط فوق العيون والشفاه وأي حبوب نشطة أو جروح مفتوحة.

5. ضع زيت النمو الخاص بنا ودلكه برفق.

6. اشطف الديرما بالماء الدافئ وعقمه بالكحول المحمر / سائل غسل الصحون.

GROWTH BUNDLE | باقة النمو

  • Use Derma Stamp once a week.

1. Disinfect your derma stamp using an alcohol-based solution before use to ensure it's sterile.

2. Gently press the derma stamp against your scalp/skin 15-20 times in the targeted areas.

3. Apply our growth oil and massage using our bamboo scalp massager.

4. Repeat step 3 an additional twice a week. Leave for 1 hour and rinse.

استخدم الديرما ستامب مرة واحدة في الأسبوع. يمكن ترك زيت النمو في الشعر ثلاث مرات في الأسبوع لمدة تصل إلى ساعة قبل الغسل.

  1. عقم الديرما ستامب باستخدام محلول كحولي قبل الاستخدام لضمان تعقيمه.
  2. اضغط برفق على المناطق المستهدفة في فروة الرأس. لا تطبق الكثير من الضغط؛ يكفي اللمس الخفيف والمتسق.
  3. ضع زيت النمو الخاص بنا ودلكه برفق باستخدام أصابعك. لا تغسل شعرك على الفور واترك بعض الوقت لتتعافى فروة الرأس وتمتص الزيت

ALL IN ONE BUTTER | زبدة الكل في واحد

If the product is melted, set it aside in a cool area for some time to solidify.


Battles Eczema, Dry Skin & Lips:

Apply a thin layer to affected areas.

Use twice daily or as needed.

Do not rinse off.


Skin Softening Body Butter:

Apply to dry skin after showering.

Massage gently until absorbed.

Use daily for best results


Nourishing Hair Mask:

Apply to clean, damp hair.

Leave in for 20-30 minutes.

Rinse thoroughly.

Softening & Shaping Beard Butter:

Rub a small amount between the palms.

Apply evenly through the beard.

Style as desired.


إذا ذاب المنتج، ضعه جانبًا في مكان بارد لبعض الوقت حتى يتجمد.

يكافح الأكزيما، البشرة الجافة والشفاه:

ضع طبقة رقيقة على المناطق المتأثرة.

استخدم مرتين يوميًا أو حسب الحاجة.

لا تغسل.

زبدة الجسم الملطفة للبشرة:

ضع على البشرة الجافة بعد الاستحمام.

دلّك بلطف حتى يتم امتصاصه.

استخدم يوميًا لأفضل النتائج.

ماسك الشعر المغذي:

طبّق على الشعر النظيف والرطب.

اتركه لمدة 20-30 دقيقة.

اشطفه جيدًا.

زبدة اللحية للترتيب و التنعيم:

افرك كمية صغيرة بين الكفين.

طبّق بالتساوي على اللحية.

رتب حسب الرغبة.


Hold the Massager: Grasp the bamboo scalp massager by the handle.

Massage Your Scalp: Use it in the shower or apply with our growth oil.

Gently press against your scalp, using circular motions for 5-10 minutes. This will help stimulate circulation and aid with dandruff and hair growth.

Clean After Use: Wipe down the massager with a damp cloth to keep it clean

Why Us?

At Oil In One, we believe in pure, honest care for your hair and skin. While others claim to be organic, we stay true to quality with only natural ingredients, free from harmful chemicals.

Trust in a brand that prioritizes authenticity and real results for your hair and skin.


What authenticity means to us goes beyond originality and transparency, it is when you can confidently name what every drop of oil consists of.

Have you ever read the back of your product ?

We didnt think so.


We wish to grow with you and experience your beard journey as it is your results that keep us going!

At Oil In One we value your honesty, and we expect nothing but transparency from your end to help us tailor for your needs.


Our mission does not end at your doorstep, and is not fulfilled by the numbers ont the screen.

Our mission extends beyond monetary success, as we aim to build the bridge between you and your potential self through the goodness of nature.

Our ingredients. Very Simple.


  • Jojoba seed oil can help nourish the scalp and promote healthy hair growth.

  • It can help strengthen hair follicles, reduce hair loss, and improve the overall health of the hair.
  • Excellent moisturizing properties.

  • Reduce excess oil on the skin, which can be beneficial for people with oily or acne-prone skin.

  • Non-comedogenic oil, which means that it does not clog pores.


  • Avocado oil is rich in healthy fats and nutrients that can help moisturize and nourish beard hair.

  • Helps keep the hair soft, smooth, and healthy-looking.

  • Contains vitamins and minerals that can help promote hair growth. Massaging avocado oil into your beard can help stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles, which can help promote healthy hair growth.

  • Non-greasy


  • Argan oil is rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, which can help moisturize and soften beard hair. It can help make the hair more manageable and less prone to tangling.

  • Helps to promote healthy hair growth by nourishing the hair follicles. 

  • Prevents itching and dryness

  • Argan oil can help add shine and luster to beard hair.

  • Contains nutrients that can help strengthen beard hair and prevent breakage.


  • Black seed oil contains thymoquinone, which has been shown to promote hair growth.

  • Black seed oil is rich in fatty acids and vitamins that can help to moisturize and soften the beard. This can help to prevent dryness, itching, and flaking.

  • Black seed oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can can help to prevent conditions like folliculitis and acne.

  • Black seed oil can help to strengthen hair follicles and prevent hair loss. When applied to the beard, it can help to prevent thinning and breakage.

  • Improves beard texture


  • Rosemary oil can help stimulate hair growth by improving blood circulation to the hair follicles. 

  • Nourishes and strengthens, it is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that can help nourish and strengthen the hair. 

  • Fights dandruff and can help prevent itching and flaking.

  • Improves hair thickness: Rosemary oil can help improve hair thickness by stimulating hair growth and strengthening the hair. It can help prevent breakage and make the hair more resilient.


  • Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which can help improve blood flow to the hair follicles.

  • Rich in fatty acids and other nutrients that can help nourish and strengthen beard hair. 

  • Castor oil can help prevent breakage and split ends by improving the strength and flexibility of the hair.

  • Castor oil has antimicrobial properties that can help fight dandruff and other scalp issues. 


  • Deeply moisturizes skin and hair
  • Rich in vitamins and fatty acids
  • Absorbs easily for soft skin and smooth hair


  • Ultra-hydrating and soothing
  • Contains vitamins A and E for added moisture
  • Leaves skin supple and hair manageable


  • Light, refreshing, and deeply conditioning
  • Naturally strengthens and protects
  • Adds a touch of tropical freshness


Oud (Agarwood)

Known for its deep, woody aroma, oud brings a warm, earthy scent with hints of musk and spice. This luxurious oil promotes relaxation and reduces stress.


Peppermint oil has a fresh, minty scent and a cooling sensation that soothes the skin beneath your beard. It also supports hair growth by increasing blood flow to hair follicles.

Tea Tree

Naturally antibacterial, tea tree oil keeps skin clear and healthy. Its fresh, clean aroma adds a subtle, crisp note to the blend.


Lavender brings a calming floral scent and soothes both skin and senses, helping to create a relaxing, balanced experience.


With its warm, grounding aroma, sandalwood adds depth and smoothness, making this blend both refreshing and earthy.

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